iTech Tools Apps

iTech Tools
This app is a step-by-step instructions manual for designingresidential electrical wiring plans according to the electricalcode.This app provides all the steps necessary for designing your ownwiring plan.It uses a sample wiring plan for illustration purposes.Well-presented sample electrical wiring diagrams and plans are usedin this app.Residential wiring diagrams, also known as ElectricalConstruction Drawings, including plans, layouts, schedules andworksheets are used by Electrical Contractors in all ElectricalConstruction Projects.Real-world examples of electrical plans and layouts found intypical construction drawings of residential houses are used inthis app.All images used in this app are zoomable.This app is developed and tested with all screen sizes ofAndroid phones and tablets.
iTech Tools
This app provides exam style questions, explanatory answers andexam tips for Fundamentals of Engineering Other Disciplines Exam.This exam is used to be known as FE General Exam.The FE is a computer-based exam and it contains 110multiple-choice questions.This simulator is based on FE computer-based practice exams thatcontain questions and solutions from past exams.This app can be used by all engineering disciplines. This appsimulates the real format, style, and level of difficulty.By taking this sample exam and following the exam tips andadvices provided with this app, you can easily pass this criticalexam.Do not miss out this great app. This app will put you in theright path for passing this critical exam. It will save you bothtime and effort.Several users of this great app emailed us about their successstories and how they passed the exam with the help of this app.Not only will you get to see exam style questions, you will alsodiscover tips that are critical for a successful exam prep and apassing score.Questions included with this app are selected carefully to coverimportant exam topics that you will most likely see in the exam.You will find the explanatory answers provided for each questionvery useful. They will help you understand the topics better whileimproving your problem solving skills.This app covers all topics based on the most up to date examcoverage:1 - Mathematics2 - Engineering Probability and Statistics3 - Engineering Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics)4 - Strength of Materials (Mechanics of Materials)5 - Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer6 - Fluid Mechanics7 - Chemistry8 - Material Properties (Materials Science and Structure ofMatter)9 - Electricity and Magnetism10 - Computers, Measurements and Controls11 - Engineering Economics12 - Ethics and Business PracticesOne module of this app is designated solely for exam tips andadvices that apply to all disciplines.With this app now in the palm of your hand, you can review andpractice sample questions for this critical exam at yourconvenience. Your future is truly in your hands now!Key to success in any exam is "practice". This app is designedto help you practice questions that are similar to those found inthe exam.What makes this app even more useful is the list of exam tipsand advices provided for each type of exam question.To be successful in the FE exam you do not need to memorize anyformulas, equations, identities, etc. All the information you willneed is already provided in the exam reference handbook suppliedduring the exam. What you need the most is to improve your questionsolving skills. This app is designed to serve that purpose.This version contains sixty questions simulating a typical FEOther Disciplines Exam. Each question is accompanied with anexplanatory answer and exam tips.
iTech Tools
This app is a full length exam simulator for Fundamentals ofEngineering Exam (FE Exam).It includes simulated practice exams for:- FE Exam Other Disciplines- FE Exam Electrical Engineering DisciplineThis app provides exam style questions, explanatory answers andexam tips for Fundamentals of Engineering Other Disciplines Exam(used to be known as General Exam) and Electrical EngineeringExam.Each discipline FE exam is a computer-based exam and it contains110 multiple-choice questions.This app contains two simulated exams that are based on FEcomputer-based practice exams with questions and solutions frompast exams.This app can be used by all engineering disciplines. This appsimulates the real format, style, and level of difficulty.This simulator follows the same format and content of FEExam.This simulator provides everything you need to prepare for andpass the FE exam on the first try.This simulator helps you manage your time and learn quickly byallowing you to study your material on a topical basis and bytaking timed exam simulation that look and feel exactly like thereal exam. It offers comprehensive coverage of all FE exam topics. Itincludes exam style questions in all subject areas of FE exam.Each question includes detailed answer along with clearexplanations and exam tips and advice so you can learn as youpractice.Use this simulated exam to identify where you need the mostreview and to improve your problem-solving skills.You can evaluate your progress by taking this realistic sampleexam that simulates the actual FE exam morning session. You willsee how you perform at the end of the exam with your scorereleased.This app will give you a complete knowledge of the type of thequestions asked in FE exam and it will give you a feel for theexamination.With first-hand experience of the format and questions you willencounter when you take the exam, you can raise your score,increase your confidence and be fully prepared to succeed.Do not get caught off guard on exam day. Prepare and practice inrealistic environment with this app.By taking this sample exam and following the exam tips andadvices provided with this app, you can easily pass this criticalexam.This app will put you in the right path for passing thiscritical exam. It will save you both time and effort.It covers all topics based on the most up to date exam coveragefor Other Disciplines and Electrical Engineering Disciplineexams.Following topics are covered:Other Disciplines:1 - Mathematics2 - Engineering Probability and Statistics3 - Engineering Mechanics (Statics and Dynamics)4 - Strength of Materials (Mechanics of Materials)5 - Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer6 - Fluid Mechanics7 - Chemistry8 - Material Properties (Materials Science and Structure ofMatter)9 - Electricity and Magnetism10 - Computers, Measurements and Controls11 - Engineering Economics12 - Ethics and Business PracticesElectrical Engineering Discipline:1 - Electric Circuits2 - Power Systems3 - Electromagnetics4 - Control Systems5 - Communications6 - Signal Processing7 - Electronics8 - Digital Systems9 - Computer SystemsMore than 120 questions are included with this version. Eachquestion is accompanied with an explanatory answer and exam tipsand advices.One module of this app is designated solely for exam tips andadvices that apply to all disciplines of FE Exam.With this app now in the palm of your hand, you can review andpractice sample questions for this critical exam at yourconvenience. Your future is truly in your hands now!Key to success in any exam is "practice". This app is designedto help you practice questions that are similar to those found inthe exam. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!What makes this app even more useful is the list of exam tipsand advices provided for each type of exam question.All Android platforms and size phones and tablets aresupported.
iTech Tools
This app provides exam style questions, explanatory answers andtips for Fundamentals of Engineering Exam, Electrical EngineeringDiscipline.FE Electrical Engineering Discipline Exam is a computer-basedexam and it contains 110 multiple-choice questions.This app contains a simulated exam based on FE computer-basedpractice exams with questions and solutions from past exams inElectrical Engineering discipline.This app simulates the real format, style, and level ofdifficulty.This simulator follows the same format and content of FEExam.This simulator provides everything you need to prepare for andpass the FE exam on the first try.By taking this sample exam and following the exam tips andadvices provided with this app, you can easily pass this criticalexam.Do not miss out this great app. This app will put you in theright path for passing this critical exam. It will save you bothtime and effort.Several users of this great app emailed us about their successstories and how they passed the exam with the help of this app.Not only will you get to see exam style questions, you will alsodiscover tips that are critical for a successful exam prep and apassing score.Questions included with this app are selected carefully to coverimportant exam topics that you will most likely see in the exam.You will find the explanatory answers provided for each questionvery useful. They will help you understand the topics better whileimproving your problem solving skills.What makes this app even more useful is the list of exam tipsand advices provided for each type of exam question.By taking this sample exam and following the exam tips andadvices provided with this app, you can easily pass this criticalexam.To be successful in the FE exam you do not need to memorize anyformulas, equations, identities, etc. All the information you willneed is already provided in the exam reference handbook suppliedduring the exam. What you need the most is to improve your questionsolving skills. This app is designed to serve that purpose.It covers all topics based on the most up to date examcoverage:1 - Electric Circuits2 - Power Systems3 - Electromagnetics4 - Control Systems5 - Communications6 - Signal Processing7 - Electronics8 - Digital Systems9 - Computer SystemsTo emulate a typical FE exam in Electrical Engineering, morethan 60 review questions are provided with this app. Each questionis accompanied with an explanatory answer and exam tips.Questions similar to what is included in this app can also befound in the morning session (breadth exam) of Principles andPractice of Engineering Examination (also known as PE exam, whichis the second and the last part of PE license exams).With this app now in the palm of your hand, you can review andpractice sample questions for this critical exam at yourconvenience. Your future is truly in your hands now!Key to success in any exam is "practice". This app is designedto help you practice questions that are similar to those found inthe exam.
iTech Tools
Set of design drawings provided with this appcan be used as guidelines for designing and documenting enterpriseIP networks.This app provides well-presented sample design drawings to aidin learning this popular subject.Real-world examples of design drawings are packaged in this appincluding:1 - High level view and design specs2 - Physical Network Layout3 - Logical Network Design4 - IP address and subnet tablesIP Network Design drawings are presented as high resolutionimages.This app provides you with a practical approach to learningdesign process for IP networks.This app also comes with an interactive design tool to calculateIP network and subnet addresses.All the drawings provided here are zoomable for easyviewing.This app is recommended for anyone working in designing,reviewing, installing or configuring IP networks.
iTech Tools
This app is designed for CCNA (Cisco CertifiedNetwork Associate) exam preparation.CCNA is the most important certification in the current IT jobmarket.This app provides a sample set of exam style questions for CCNAexam. It covers all 9 modules as per the most up to date examcoverage.To emulate a typical CCNA exam, about 50 questions are providedwith this app.Key to success in any exam is "practice". This app is designedto help you practice questions that are similar to those found inthe exam.With this app now in the palm of your hands, you can review andpractice sample questions for this critical exam at yourconvenience.This practice exam will increase your confidence and yourchances of passing CCNA exam largely.This app is revised as per user comments received so far. Withthis revision now, you can show and hide answers as youproceed.
iTech Tools
This app is a complete set of residential electrical wiringdiagrams for a sample house.Residential wiring diagrams, also known as ElectricalConstruction Drawings, including plans, layouts, schedules andworksheets are used by Electrical Contractors in all ElectricalConstruction Projects.This app provides well-presented sample electrical wiringdiagrams and step-by-step explanations and calculations forcreating the diagrams.Real-world examples of electrical plans, layouts, schedules andworksheets found in typical construction drawings of residentialhouses are packaged in this app including:- Key Floor Plan- Architectural Floor Plan - Dimensioned- Electrical Floor Plan- Wiring Layout- Electric Panel Schedule- Electric Appliance Load Schedule- Electrical Symbols- Appliance Load Worksheet- Service Load WorksheetElectrical plans, layouts, schedules and worksheets arepresented as high resolution images.This app provides you with a practical approach to learningdesign process for residential wiring systems.With this app, you have the opportunity to practice how tointerpret and how to apply critical electrical coderequirements.All plans and schedules presented with this app are based on NECrequirements.Real-world examples are used to reinforce key calculations andconcepts for anyone working in residential electricityindustry.Practice Makes Perfect!Electrical plans, layouts, schedules and worksheets presentedwith this app will provide you with the knowledge base needed forunderstanding of electrical construction drawings for residentialwiring systems in common use today.Step-by-step instructions for performing each calculation foundin typical worksheets are provided for the sample house in thisapp.This app is recommended for anyone working in designing,reviewing, evaluating or installing residential electrical systemsincluding:- Designers- Installers- Engineers- Electrical contractors- Technicians- Project managers- Architects- Inspectors- Professional Residential Electricians
iTech Tools
This app is a complete set of commercial electrical wiring diagramsfor a commercial complex.Commercial wiring diagrams, also known as ElectricalConstruction Drawings, including plans, layouts, schedules andworksheets are used by Electrical Contractors in all ElectricalConstruction Projects.This app provides well-presented sample electrical wiringdiagrams and step-by-step explanations and calculations forcreating the diagrams.Real-world examples of electrical plans, layouts, schedules andworksheets found in typical construction drawings of commercialcomplexes are packaged in this app including:- Key Floor Plan- Architectural Floor Plan - Dimensioned- Electrical Floor Plan- Wiring Layout- Electric Panel Schedule- Electric Appliance Load Schedule- Electrical Symbols- Appliance Load Calculation Worksheet- Feeder Load Calculation Worksheet- Service Entrance Load Calculation Worksheet- Site Development Plan- Building Site PlanElectrical plans, layouts, schedules and worksheets arepresented as high resolution images.This app provides you with a practical approach to learningdesign process for commercial wiring systems.With this app, you have the opportunity to practice how tointerpret and how to apply critical electrical coderequirements.All plans and schedules presented with this app are based on NECrequirements.Real-world examples are used to reinforce key calculations andconcepts for anyone working in commercial electricity industry.Practice Makes Perfect!Electrical plans, layouts, schedules and worksheets presentedwith this app will provide you with the knowledge base needed forunderstanding of electrical construction drawings for commercialwiring systems in common use today.Step-by-step instructions for performing each calculation foundin typical worksheets are provided for the example commercialcomplex in this app.All the plans, layouts and schedules provided here are zoomablefor easy viewing.This app is recommended for anyone working in designing,reviewing, evaluating or installing commercial electrical systemsincluding:- Designers- Installers- Engineers- Electrical contractors- Technicians- Project managers- Architects- Inspectors- Professional Residential Electricians
iTech Tools
This app is a complete set of residential and commercialelectricalwiring diagrams for two sample houses and for acommercial complex.Residential and commercial wiring diagrams, also knownasElectrical Construction Drawings, including plans,layouts,schedules and worksheets are used by Electrical Contractorsin allElectrical Construction Projects.This app provides well-presented sample electricalwiringdiagrams and step-by-step explanations and calculationsforcreating the diagrams.Real-world examples of electrical plans, layouts, schedulesandworksheets found in typical construction drawings ofresidentialhouses and commercial complexes are packaged in thisappincluding:- Key Floor Plan- Architectural Floor Plan - Dimensioned- Electrical Floor Plan- Wiring Layout- Electric Panel Schedule- Electric Appliance Load Schedule- Electrical Symbols- Appliance Load Calculation Worksheet- Feeder Load Calculation Worksheet- Service Entrance Load Calculation Worksheet- Site Development Plan- Building Site PlanElectrical plans, layouts, schedules and worksheets arepresentedas high resolution images.This app provides you with a practical approach tolearningdesign process for residential and commercial wiringsystems.With this app, you have the opportunity to practice howtointerpret and how to apply critical electricalcoderequirements.All plans and schedules presented with this app are based onNECrequirements.Real-world examples are used to reinforce key calculationsandconcepts for anyone working in residential andcommercialelectricity industry.Practice Makes Perfect!Electrical plans, layouts, schedules and worksheetspresentedwith this app will provide you with the knowledge baseneeded forunderstanding of electrical construction drawings forresidentialand commercial wiring systems in common use today.Step-by-step instructions for performing each calculationfoundin typical worksheets are provided for the example houseandcommercial complex in this app.All the plans, layouts and schedules provided here arezoomablefor easy viewing.This app is recommended for anyone working indesigning,reviewing, evaluating or installing residential andcommercialelectrical systems including:- Designers- Installers- Engineers- Electrical contractors- Technicians- Project managers- Architects- Inspectors- Professional Residential Electricians
iTech Tools
This app comes with a set of illustrations for electricalwiringsystems.The illustrations of this app contain key information thatisessential for understanding of electrical systems andtheterminology used by Code.Each illustration provided with this app shows Codecompliantelectrical systems and how they are implemented.This app is developed and tested with all screen sizes ofAndroidphones and tablets.
iTech Tools
This app is a full length exam simulator and a study guideforlicensing exam for electrical contractors (electrician exam).It comes with a complete study guide and a simulated test tohelpyou prepare for both Master Electrician and JourneymanElectricianLicensing Exams.The electrician exam is a mandatory step in the processleadingto Master Electrician and Journeyman Electrician License. Itisrequired in all states in the USA.The following main modules are included in thiseasy-to-useapp:1 - A Full Length Simulated Test2 - Licensing Exam Review and Tips3 - Electrical Code Review4 - Formulas, Calculations and Case StudiesThis app provides everything you need to prepare for andpassthis exam on the first try.This simulator helps you manage your time and learn quicklybyallowing you to study your material on a topical basis andbytaking timed exam simulation that look and feel exactly likethereal exam.It offers comprehensive coverage of all exam topics. Itincludesexam style questions in all subject areas of this exam.Each question includes detailed solution along withclearexplanations and exam tips and advice so you can learn asyoupractice.Use this simulated exam to identify where you need themostreview and to improve your problem-solving skills.You can evaluate your progress by taking this realisticsampleexam that simulates the actual exam. You will see how youperformat the end of the exam with your score released.This app will give you a complete knowledge of the type ofthequestions asked in the exam and it will give you a feel fortheexamination.With first-hand experience of the format and questions youwillencounter when you take the exam, you can raise yourscore,increase your confidence and be fully prepared tosucceed.Do not get caught off guard on exam day. Prepare and practiceinrealistic environment with this app.By taking this sample exam and following the exam tipsandadvices provided with this app, you can easily pass thiscriticalexam.This app will put you in the right path for passing thiscriticalexam. It will save you both time and effort.This release contains 90 questions. Each question isaccompaniedwith an explanatory solution and exam tips andadvice.One module of this app is designated solely for exam tipsandadvice.With this app now in the palm of your hand, you can reviewandpractice sample questions for this critical exam atyourconvenience. Your future is truly in your hands now!Key to success in any exam is "practice". This app is designedtohelp you practice questions that are similar to those found intheexam.PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT!What makes this app even more useful is the list of exam tipsandadvices provided for each type of exam question.
iTech Tools
This app provides a quick checklist of essential (NEC)coderequirements and illustrations for all electrical components inaresidential building in such a way as to allow easy andaccurateinterpretation of electrical code requirements.It comes with a 3D view of a typical residential building.Eachcomponent that makes up a typical electrical system is shownwith alive annotation.When pressed, each annotation launches a list of applicablecoderequirements written in a way that is easy to understand andtofollow.This app will save you tremendous amount of time andexpense.This app is useful for anyone whose job involvesdesigning,reviewing, evaluating, inspecting or installingelectrical systems,including: designers, installers, engineers,inspectors, electricalcontractors, technicians, project managers,fire marshals, andarchitects.This app is developed and tested with all screen sizes ofAndroidphones and tablets.
iTech Tools
This app is a library of illustrations and workflow diagrams tohelpyou understand and apply the essential electrical coderequirementsquickly and accurately.It also comes with electrical load calculator toolcalledEngineer. This tool can be used for engineering of branchcircuitand feeder loads. It is based on the requirements andformulasprovided in the electrical code.With this app now you have access to the importantcodeinformation in a way that is easy to interpret. You canquicklyfind the information you search for without going throughhundredsof pages of information.You will gain the confidence you need for designing, buildingandinstallation of electrical systems. This app will saveyoutremendous amount of time and effort.All the illustrations and diagrams of this app can be zoomedinto see in greater detail.
iTech Tools
This app provides illustrations, case studiesand a comprehensive overview for understanding of electricalgrounding and bonding.Grounding and bonding are one of the most misunderstood conceptsand yet the most important aspects of both electrical andtelecommunication systems.Root cause of problems encountered in electrical andtelecommunication systems is mostly improper grounding or bondingor both.Proper grounding and bonding are necessary for safe use ofelectricity and protection of equipment. It is required by theelectrical code and all national and local codes around theworld.This app will help you understand the grounding and bonding witheasy to follow explanations, exhibits and case studies.This app is developed for and tested with all screen sizes ofAndroid devices available.
Fish Attack 1.1
iTech Tools
Catch as many fishes as you can to scoreinthis fun game called Fish Attack! Attacked by fishes! Do notletthem pass by you! Grab them and score high! Simple to play forallages and completely original! Best of all nothing to pay for-Catch as many fishes as you can and score high! Catching fishhasnever been this much fun! Good luck!Catch as many fishesasyou can to score in this fun game called Fish Attack! Attackedbyfishes! Do not let them pass you by! Grab them and scorehigher!Simple to play for all ages and completely original! Best ofall,nothing to pay for - Catch as many fishes as you can andscorehigh! Catching fish has never been this much fun! Goodluck!